Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Mother of All Misplaced(?) Ads

The SNL skit below parodies the Toyota break failure situation, showing a couple whose breaks give out as their Pirus careens about. The joke: it’s a Ford commercial.

When I viewed this parody advertisement for the first time, the pre-roll (actual) advertisement was for Toyota—explaining how their people were dealing with the recent design problem.

I like to think there is a marketing manager/media buyer from Toyota somewhere pulling her hair out about this.

Of course, Toyota could have asked for this placement as well, just to let you know it is all a joke.  In that case, that marketing manager/media buyer is pretty suave.

Also, I think the parody advertisement would have been better if it somehow rehashed Ford’s history of designing defective cars – e.g., the Ford Pinto.


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