Sunday, March 14, 2010

March Madness: it’s contagious.

Remember how I told you Mommy went a little “mad” and started giving stuff away for free this month? At first I thought one too many boring snow days around here got to her, but now I understand why she does it. So far we have a fan referral contest going on the Facebook page (get the details by “fanning” our page and visiting the discussion tab there, it’s been extended to 3/31) and we played some games and did real time T-shirt giveaways on the page as well. It has been a lot of fun meeting our blog readers and Facebook fans and now more people know about us and what we do, so I get it now. If you are reading this and don’t know what we do, please let me remind you. Mom’s company (this good. that bad.)  gives people 3 ways to can help homeless companion animals. You can fundraise with our pet adoption T-shirts and products, buy them and we’ll donate proceeds to animal rescue, or tell us your rescue stories so we can share them on this blog to keep awareness high and ultimately increase pet adoption.  

Mom has some other prizes and now that we know our “crowd” a little better she will be announcing an even more  interesting creative contest soon. The thing is, a lot of people want to pitch in. They care about homeless animals and want to build awareness about pet adoption. Mom’s T-shirts and ideas are a good way to do that so they want to be part of it. As a result, we  have some new prizes that have been donated and the contest is gonna get a little bigger and a lot better than just a T-shirt. I am here to tell you that this madness and generosity is totally contagious. We hope you will catch the fever too  and maybe please please do us one little teensy tinsy favor in the meantime…  

See the full 3D design & vote at


One of our Facebook Fans even came up with a really unique way to get animals some respect and attention. She designed a race car for a national contest using our “adoption good. homeless bad.” logo and images of her own rescues. If she wins the contest, our logo and message will be on a real race car in a real race in front of thousands of people on the track and on TV. Our fan will get to go to the race to see it and Mom and I will get the word out there and hope that the slogan really catches on—we sell these shirts to make money for rescues after all. Maybe everyone will want to buy one after that! The only way for this to happen with your votes. The car that gets the most votes in the contest will win, and you are allowed to vote once a day. So, PLEASE: Vote for the “GOODBAD” pet adoption race car design in the Toyota Racing Sponsafier contest. Use this link to vote every day if you can, and spread the word (and the link  and ask your friends, fans, readers, Twitter followers, whoever you know, to vote too. We have 14 days to win this thing! Let’s get the word out and get this car and this message out there on the track!


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