Thursday, February 25, 2010

Washington D.C.

As you all know, I have been in D.C. this week with Farm Bureau.  I had a lot of exciting opportunities while I was up there.  This was my third trip to D.C., but it was much different than before.  First off, I toured everything once again.. but got quite the shocker on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.  As I was making my way down the front steps, I saw a huge group of Asian people.. probably 300 or more.. and they were taking a picture on the steps, directly in front of Lincoln.  Well, when I stepped in front of them, I noticed they were holding a huge flag from the People’s Republic of China!  I seriously bet Lincoln rolled over in his grave! I couldn’t believe it.  But anyway.. that is my first story.  Okay, so.. in the days after that incident, I attended a lot of hearings.. and listened to KY’s Senators and Reps speak about the different issues plaguing our country right now.  I am terrified of what is in store for America if this health care bill passes, as well as Cap and Trade.  Asia isn’t backing down.. and it seems like our country is.  I’m afraid that if Americans don’t wise up and gain their previous spirit, China and India will surpass us.

Anyway, today I visited the Capitol Building.  It was quite interesting.  As I was walking into one of the side buildings as an entrance to the Capitol, I stepped by a white van, as two or three Japanese men were getting out.  I stopped and stood beside the van, as Luke and I noticed they were the Toyota guys!  After being rushed into the Capitol and through security, I got to see tons of Japanese reporters waiting for Toyoda to come in.. and when he came in, I got to see him!  I watched him be escorted into the room that I was standing by.  I’m pretty sure that I was on national new tonight lol.  I looked pretty darn professional too, in my new pant suit :)

Aside from that, my trip to D.C. was the same as previous ones.  I’m not entirely sure that I still want to go into politics.  It’s a rough, greedy, dirty game.  I know most people have good intentions, but they’re sending our country down the wrong path right now.  Who knows.. maybe if I do go into politics, I can fix some of the problems facing our country right now.

On another note.. I’ve had the opportunity to do a lot of thinking within these past few days.  I feel the need to apologize to some people who were once dear to me.  I let them down, majorily.. in the short time I knew them. I regret what happened, and I need to make amends.  Therefore, I will be starting on a few letters tomorrow.  Hopefully in time, they can forgive me.


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