Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ford - where shafting is No. 1. Safety? Who needs safety?


I haven’t really been spending much time on this blog.  Why?  I guess the realization that Ford continues its Nazi type thinking and the chances of Ford doing anything for the consumer is next to nil so I spend my time more productively elsewhere – like scratching that itch on my butt.  Kind of like the CAW/UAW workers that put our F150 together with the faulty window – their minds must have been elsewhere.

Anyways, I received the following letter which only shows there are others out there suffering the same crap from Ford.  You’ll notice the fact the wipers don’t work in the rain - kind of a safety issue in my book but I guess not much in Ford’s mind.  I guess at Ford – “Safety isn’t No. 1″.

Well, here is the letter and I have dropped the person’s name for their own safety – don’t need some Ford guy getting upset at this woman and maybe offering to repair her damages.  Yeah, right.

I am really frustrated.  My windshield wipers quit working in the rain and my 4 wheel drive light kept flashing off and on.  I took it to the  dealer and the first thing to service guy said to me was probably a windshield leak causing a short.  This is a common problem with Ford F-150’s.  When they checked it they said it was not covered by my extended warranty even though my warranty covers electrical parts.  Because it was caused by a leaking windshield they said maybe my car insurance would pay for it.  They sent somebody out and he said they would,t cover it because it in their opinion it is a manufacturers defect since alot of people have the same problem.  If any one can help me PLEASE let me know what to do.  I’ll join anybody to get them to pay for this.  Thanks


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