Thursday, December 10, 2009

Toyota! From the same people who brought you Pearl Harbor

I noticed the bumper sticker on the Chevy Impala in front of me as I was driving home today. It had the Toyota logo with a line through it. It boldly proclaimed: “Toyota! From the same people who brought you Pearl Harbor.” I stared incredulously. Suddenly, I had a epiphany.

Such logic is undeniable!

Heretofore, I shall boycott Toyota. But I’m not stopping there. I’ve compiled the following list of other boycotts in which I plan to participate. Thank god for that bumper sticker! Join me in my boycotts:

  • BMW! From the same people who brought you the Holocaust.
  • Tobacco! From the same people who brought you slavery.
  • Nobel Peace Price! From the same person who brought you dynamite.
  • Jesus! From the same people who brought you the Crusades.
  • Women! From the same people who brought you the fall of man.


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