Sunday, October 11, 2009

How you can spread the word about hydrogen fuel cell vehicles to lots of people in just 15 minutes

I had a really good phone conversation yesterday with Scott Goldbach from Americans For A Hydrogen Economy.  We spoke at length about hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and what it will take to get a lot more people to become hydrogen advocates.

Education, education, education

At one point in the conversation, Scott said:

“It’s all about education.”

I completely agree.

Unfortunately, most people know very little about all that is happening with hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.  But how can this be changed?  What is an effective way to educate lots of people about hydrogen fuel cell vehicles?

My view is that most people are not going to dedicate a lot of time to this issue.  This is especially true right now with gas prices much lower than last summer.

I wrote the post “7 reasons to love Toyota hydrogen fuel cell vehicles” with this in mind.  It only takes readers around five minutes to go through the entire post which includes a 3 1/2 minute video.  But it gives them a very good overview of the state of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.  Unfortunately, very few “experts” on alternative fuel vehicles are currently aware of this information.

Way to spread the word

One way you can spread this information around to a lot of people in a very short period of time is by e-mailing this post to most or all of the people who are on your personal e-mail contact list.  I did this recently and had very good results.

Below are two e-mails I sent to most people on my personal e-mail contact list.  Please note that I asked each of them to forward the second e-mail to other people that they know.  Numerous people let me know that they forwarded the e-mail to other people.  And one person sent it to over 80 people!

I really hope you will decide to also do this.  It would only take around 15 minutes to write one or both of the e-mails below in your own words and send them to most or all of the people who are on your personal e-mail contact list.

You just never know who might end up getting the e-mail.  Maybe you know somebody who knows somebody who knows Oprah.  And if Oprah were to become an advocate of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, the hydrogen car revolution would be off to the races!

E-mail #1

Subject: Need your help

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let each of you know that I will be sending out an extremely important e-mail to you in a few minutes.  It will be self-explanatory once you read it, but I want to let you know in-advance what I am doing.

Basically, very few people know about all that is happening with hydrogen fuel cell cars.  For example, as you will see in the next e-mail, I recently spoke to a person who told me “I thought hydrogen cars were the stuff of science fiction.”

While gas prices are much lower now than last summer, the long-term problem has not gone away.

My goal is to inform as many people as possible about the facts involving hydrogen fuel cell vehicles which can solve the oil crisis.

Therefore, my hope is that you will choose to forward the next e-mail to as many people as possible after reading it and encourage them to do the same.

This would help out tremendously, because we will all be facing huge problems in a few years if the proper action is not taken to begin the transition to hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.  And until a lot more people know the facts, no significant action is going to be taken.



E-mail #2

Subject: Hydrogen cars arriving in 2015 – Please spread the word

The U.S. imports 2/3 of its oil and this is increasing every day.  The Iraq War has already cost the U.S. nearly $700 billion.  With global oil production peaking, oil prices are set to skyrocket (i.e. $4-5 gallon or more for gasoline) once the global economy recovers beginning in the next 2-3 years.

If nothing is done to solve the oil crisis, future energy wars, economic collapse, and continued environmental damage are all pretty much guaranteed.  NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE OR WHAT YOU DO, THIS WILL NEGATIVELY IMPACT YOUR LIFE AND THE LIVES OF YOUR LOVED ONES, SO IT IS UP TO YOU TO TAKE ACTION.

YOUR job could be lost.  YOUR standard of living could go way down.  YOUR relative might have to fight in a war.  YOUR country will be at risk.

The oil crisis is simply the greatest problem that humanity has ever faced.  Approximately 250 million registered passenger vehicles and 170,000 gas stations must be replaced in the U.S. alone.

Hydrogen fuel cell cars are the solution to the oil crisis.  The cars will provide the same level of performance as the ones on the road today and the fuel can be produced domestically.  However, I recently spoke with a very smart person who said that “I thought hydrogen cars were the stuff of science fiction.”  Nothing could be further from the truth.

In order to spread the facts about hydrogen cars, PLEASE take just 5 minutes to read the short article in the link below (which includes a really interesting YouTube video of the Toyota hydrogen SUV) and then forward this message to all of your friends and family on your e-mail address list.

“7 reasons to love Toyota hydrogen fuel cell vehicles” (Which will be ready in 2015 and “affordable”)

[Photo credit: KaCey97007]

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